Train on Thursday: Empire of Silver, Conn Iggulden

I travel with public transport on regular base. One of my favorite past times when in bus or train besides reading is checking out what other people read. I usually look these books up (especially when someone is so hooked they don't notice me checking them out) to see if they would be something for me. In this weekly I will introduce you to the books I spotted while traveling.
If you want to join in this weekly feel free to write your own post on the books you spot. That can be anywhere, in the park, on the street, in line at the bookstore / library. There is a linky in the bottom to link up your post. Or leave a comment.

The Great Khan is dead, but his legend and his legacy live on. His son Ogedai has built a white city on a great plain and made a capitol for the new nation. Now the armies have gathered to see which of Genghis' sons has the strength to be khan. The Mongol empire has been at peace for two years, but whoever survives will face the formidable might of their ancient enemy, China's Song dynasty.
The great leader Tsubodai sweeps into the west through Russia, over the Carpathian mountains and into Hungary. The Templar Knights have been broken and there is no king or army to stop him reaching France. But at the moment of Tsubodai's greatest triumph, as his furthest scouts reach the northern mountains of Italy, he must make a decision that will change the course of history.
It was kind of a puzzle finding out the author name of this book. I was wondering if I was reading it correct but when I found the book on Goodreads I realised I was. I am not much of a Genghis Khan person. I tried some books on the Khans and the Mongols in the past and never really connect to the stories.

Would you pick up this book?

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