Train on Thursday: Niemandsland, Guurtje Leguijt

I travel with public transport regularly. One of my favorite past times when in bus or train besides reading is checking out what other people read. I usually look these books up (especially when someone is so hooked they don't notice me checking them out) to see if they would be something for me.
In this weekly I will introduce you to the books I spotted while traveling. Feel free to leave a comment with your public transport picks or spots. If you want to write your own post feel free to link your post in the comments.

Niemandsland Guurtje Leguijt coverJustus, a sensible child, grows up in a warm family. He is living with his parents and his sisters. When at age 9 his mother suddenly dies Justus does not understand what happened and what caused the death of his mother. His father is not capable of answering the questions of his children or taking care of them for that matter and Justus is placed into foster care. Without his sisters, his father whom he loves and his newborn brother he feels lonely and starts to wonder if it is his fault his mother died because he cannot see another reason why he had to leave home. Where are the people who can give him back his self esteem and love? What is the meaning of his faith in this situation?

This could be a book I would read though I will doubt a couple of times because of the religious aspect. The synopsis shows this must be a very emotional story. The woman was holding the book closed with her finger between the pages staring out of the window. I do think this book will make you consider certain subjects.

What did you spot on your trips? Share in the comments or link up to your post!
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3 reacties

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24 March, 2013 delete

This is a great idea for a post! I am so nosy on public transport and hate when I see people reading Kindles so I can't see what book they are enjoying. Will definitely keep an eye out and let you know what I see!


24 March, 2013 delete

I sometimes ask people if they are like really hooked on a book because I cannot stand not knowing what keeps them so interested.

24 March, 2013 delete

I love scoping out what other people are reading in public places. Ereaders make it more difficult, but I had a good laugh when I saw one of those photos that had a grandmother reading a Kindle and it was 50 Shades of Grey. Ereaders make it easier to read whatever you want without judgment!
