There goes... June!


Reading has been a hit or miss this year and June was not different. Though I did enjoy the books I read a lot. I finished 4 books, The Fireman by Joe Hill being the best read this month.

Like really? Though we have been lucky with the forecast the weather has been weird. We had terrible rain while it was still 22 up to 27 degrees outside (C that is ... for F it would be 70 / 80). Humidity has been horrible obviously and picking clothes has been difficult. In other parts of the country they had floods and we have been lucky to escape those.

Bruce Springsteen
We went to see Bruce Springsteen at Malieveld in The Hague. R really loves his music and when I asked him if he wanted to go there he got really excited. We managed to get tickets (60.000 tickets sold out in 2,5 hours. I was in line (online) for 45 minutes). It was great being there and R was so happy the whole night singing along and smiling. It was great fun.

My nephew turned 5 this month. This was the first year his schoolmates came to his birthday and some neighbour kids. It was hilarious having a water balloon fight with the kids. My brother had his birthday too.

I did join Andi's Review-a-Thon though not very active. I did write a lot of reviews during this time. Well more than usual and am caught up quite well. I scheduled most of the reviews for the upcoming weeks though so the immediate result did not really show. Still it was nice having a little motivational reason to write a few more posts.

I am 4 books ahead for my Goodreads Challenge. I guess with some effort I am finally going to manage to cross a few Book Riot Read Harder goals from the list. I did not make progress with my Mount TBR challenge this month.

My own birthday. I will celebrate for the first time in 5 years so everybody is getting all excited about it. I got my birthday present planned for later this month, I wont tell what it is now but it is so exciting. There are some theatre visits planned with friends and I hope the weather will be better. If not they finally added Gilmore Girls to the Dutch Netflix!

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1 reacties:

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03 July, 2016 delete

The Fireman is one I'd love to read. So glad to see you loved it! Happy July!
