Train on Thursday: Off Piste, Linda van Rijn

Just admit if you see someone with a book somewhere you need to know what that person is reading. You do check what other people buy in the book store. You keep track what the person before you is checking out at the library and you hate the fact that you cannot see what someone is reading with all these e-readers. If you see a book on a blog with a pretty cover you will check it out in one go if it something for you... you actually do this with every book you see that seems to be of interest of other people. Did you recognize yourself already? If yes do join me in Train on Thursday.
The rules are simple. You spotted a book and checked if it would be something for you no matter how that turned out. Write a post with general information of the book and the reason why it caught your interest and if you did or did not add it to your to be read pile.

Four couples go on their annual ski trip to Saalbach, Austria. When one of them has an accident and ends up in a coma while they are skiing off-piste the first conclusion is that it was an accident. Until a detective recovers video material from one of the phones that shows a complete different story. 

I might pick up this read if I am on the way and out of reading material. It sounds interesting enough but would not really be a book I need to read.

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1 reacties:

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21 February, 2014 delete

You always seem to feature books with the most beautiful covers!
