Top Ten Tuesdays: Top Ten Most Frustrating Characters Ever

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Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly hosted by The Broke and Bookish. Every Tuesday they ask you to post your top ten on a bookish subject.

This weeks subject... the Most frustrating characters ever. This can be explained in different ways for me. There are some characters I really despise that it stops me from finishing a book. But there are also those you really want to push in the right direction and get frustrated with because they make ALL the wrong decisions. So my list is a mixture between those. And not very surprisingly I did not make it to ten.

Witches by Terry Pratchett
1. The Witches... which ones? Those living in Terry Pratchett's Discworld. I love that series and enjoy reading the books until I get to one with the Witches as the main characters. My feet start dragging and all of a sudden my reading speed drops 40 pages an hour. I notice that I often try to skip their books but end up feeling guilty about it. I guess it will always be a love hate relationship there.

2. Earlier this year I read the book Perlmann's Silence by Pascal Mercier. It was a big book and a real struggle because the main character was an extremely depressing man making all the wrong choices and creating problems where there where none. He frustrated me that bad I had to vent to people about it.

3. In that same boat there is another name coming to mind. That of Olive Kitteridge a book by Elizabeth Strout. Obviously frustrating enough to live in the back of my mind somewhere and pop up when we are talking about frustration and characters combined.

sulky bird
4. Sulky Teenagers... from to many books. I am an optimist and I easily get annoyed by books that keep digging up negative emotions and feelings usually combined with a teenager making it look as if there is no way out. Stories with one or more of these characters make my feet itch so I usually try to avoid them.

5. This one is going to hurt but combined with point 4 I would like to name one, Grace Brisbane of the very popular The Wolves of Mercy Falls series. Though I can see why people would love that series I only felt like pulling her out of my Kindle by her hair and slap some common sense in her.

6. Sookie Stackhouse. Though I do enjoy reading the books I can still get angry at her. In some parts of the story she is a strong woman but most of the time she is depending way to much on those guys who have questionable motives. I actually enjoy the books where she is more independent better.

I cannot name more specific characters that frustrate me. I do think they are important for a story too. There are those that are actually placed in a story to frustrate you and make you angry so you can connect with the other characters better. If I do notice a main character should be a person you like as reader is frustrating me I usually do not finish a book.
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29 January, 2013 delete

Yes, teens. Why so many flawed teens as main characters? Couldn't we have a few funny ones for a change? How about a couple that have their lives together?

Here's my Book Characters Who Could Use a Session With Dr. Phil. I'd love to have you stop by!

29 January, 2013 delete

I agree about Sookie Stackhouse. I couldn't read more than the first in the series.
