Train on Thursday: Pensionado's, van Sambeek

I travel with public transport on regular base. One of my favorite past times when in bus or train besides reading is checking out what other people read. I usually look these books up (especially when someone is so hooked they don't notice me checking them out) to see if they would be something for me. In this weekly I will introduce you to the books I spotted while traveling.
If you want to join in this weekly feel free to write your own post on the books you spot. That can be anywhere, in the park, on the street, in line at the bookstore / library. There is a linky in the bottom to link up your post. Or leave a comment.

This week on Utrecht Centraal there was a book presentation for the book Pensionado's by van Sambeek. I am curious why they pick a bookstore on a train station to do something like this. Is not everybody in to much of a rush to spend time there? Anyway the book Pensionado's sounds like a fun read but not enough to put it on my shelves now though I might pick it up when I am out of books on a holiday.
Pensionado's Van Sambeek cover
A group of old friends gathers in the Spanish village Sa Riera. None of them has to worry about money and they try to enjoy life but since they retired they have to much time and more often they are frustrated and  quarrel sometimes.
Rob, a former doctor, realizes he has been missing out on a lot of things and decides he wants more freedom in life, something his wife Vera has to get used to. The deranged Boudewijn finds it difficult to accept he is getting older causing him to look for action all around the world often forgetting he is mortal. Wouter fell in love with a woman twenty years his junior after his wife dies, which causes some jealous behaviour.
One dinner everything goes awry causing the friends to confront one another with often hilarious results.

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