It's Monday! What are you reading?

It's Monday! What are You Reading! is a weekly hosted by Sheila over at Book Journey. This weekly is meant to keep you people updated on what I read the last week and what I am planning to read the upcoming week.

Welcome on Blue Monday! How has yours been? I survived mine pretty well. Had no reason to be blue too after having a great weekend in London visiting three shows and meeting Aaron Tveit.

Obviously reading was interrupted seriously by all this traveling and action but I did finish The Swimmer by Joakim Zander and Girl Runner by Carrie Snyder.

The Swimmer by Joakim Zander Girl Runner by Carrie Snyder

I am currently reading Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrel by Susanna Clarke.

Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrel by Susanna Clarke

Next up I will first read my Feedly as I am way behind on reading all of your blog posts. If I manage to finish Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrel this week Of Things Gone Astray by Janina Matthewson is next on my list.

Of Things Gone Astray by Janina Matthewson

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1 reacties:

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20 January, 2015 delete

Nice reading week for you.

ENJOY this upcoming week.

Silver's Reviews
My It's Monday, What Are You Reading
