Set in a beautifully rendered 1990s Cape Town, Zoë Wicomb’s celebrated novel revolves around Marion Campbell, who runs a travel agency but hates traveling, and who, in post-apartheid society, must negotiate the complexities of a knotty relationship with Brenda, her first black employee.This does not really fit in my comfort zone but it does attract me. I am jot so sure why though the cover surely caught my eye. The title is interesting too. I am interested what exactly happens between Marin and Brenda.
Wishlist Wednesday: Playing in the Light, Zoë Wicomb
Wishlist Wednesday is a weeklies hosted by Pen to Paper. As I have enough wishes when it comes to books I decided to join this weekly and tell you about them. I am obviously curious about the books on your wishlist too so feel free to leave a message.
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