Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite animals in books!

Top Ten Tuesday buttonTop Ten Tuesday is a weekly hosted by The Broke and Bookish. Every week the girls from the Broke and
Bookish come up with a subject and I will try to find 10 results combined with that weeks topic.
This weeks topic is a freebie.. meaning you have to make one up yourself and can write on whatever you have missed. As I love animals I decided to create a top 10 from my favorite bookish animals.

Pluk redt de krullevaar Annie M.G. Schmidt cover
Zaza (the cockroach) and De Krullevaar.
Both characters are from Tow Truck Pluck. I read his adventures when I was a child and later for the kids I would babysit. Both Zaza and the Krullevaar are hilarious animals.

Yes I want a luckdragon or I want to be one. I did not really like the whole story surrounding. I have always  been scared of fantasy worlds but they do have the best creatures.

Hedwig and Fawkes
Harry Potter is one of the luckiest kids in the world being surrounded by such great birds. Snow owls are very pretty birds and I love to watch them. I love the mythology behind the phoenix and Fawkes is just the cutest thing in the world.

The Goldfish
 The Goldfish is an important character in Andrew Buckley's Death, the Devil and The Goldfish. He takes
care that ideas go to the right people at the right time. Sometimes this is difficult, especially when the whole universe tries to transfer important message and you just find out there is a castle in your way and you forget the message. 

The elephant from Water for Elephants. Elephants are such great animals and I love how she is her own character and a strong on in the book.

Ik zou wel een kindje lusten coverThe little crocodile
The little crocodile is from a children's book which is originally written in French and called Je Mangerais Bien Un Enfant. Free translated "I would like to eat a child". In the story the little crocodile has to eat  bananas every day to become big and strong but he is fed up with them and wants to take a bite out of a child but he is not big enough and the child wins the fight. I love the book because the images are wonderful and the story is hilarious.

The most optimistic animal in the world... not! I could never imagine someone seeing so many bad things and still have a hard time with it but his attitude did make me laugh a lot and who does not want to cuddle him and tell him it is all going to ok!?!

Name one, name them all. Dewey, Puss in Boots.. there are so many more and they make for great objects in a story.

What are your favorite book animals?
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9 reacties

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28 May, 2013 delete

Amazing list. I love Falkor!

28 May, 2013 delete

I love Eeorie, he is very philosiphical in is own way :)

Great idea for a top ten!

Thanks for stopping by my TTT post earlier.

Happy reading.

28 May, 2013 delete

Ahh I always wanted a Hedwig!

28 May, 2013 delete

Now I want to go and write my own list of favorite animals in stories! Thanks!

Here's my Top Ten list!

28 May, 2013 delete

Ow I am curious about your top ten animals. Feel free to leave it in a comment ;)

28 May, 2013 delete

Awww, Hedwig! I love Hedwig. This is such a cute idea for a list! I suppose you could fill up a list just with Harry Potter animals: Fang, Crookshanks... not Scabbers. :) Now I need to go think about animals in books for a while.


28 May, 2013 delete

I don't know many of these but Hedwig and Fawkes are two of my favorites! Great picks and good topic!

28 May, 2013 delete

I love this topic, I always get excited when I see animals in books! I agree, I adore Eeyore and cats in books too! :) My TTT is Fictional Places I’d Love to Vacation:

Alice @ Alice in Readerland

28 May, 2013 delete

I'm not a big animal lover, so I tend to avoid animal books, BUT my favorite animal in literature is Manchee, the "talking" dog from the Chaos Walking series. He's realistic (well, kind of), but also funny and insightful. He's a great character.

Happy TTT!
